Bahasa Inggrisnya “Monitor saya mati” My monitor is dead (google translate)
Category: B. inggris
analisislah fungsi sosial , struktur generik dan ciri kebahasaan tentang pelanggar protokol kesehatan covid 19 harus diberi sanksi! tuliskan dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris!tolong bantu jawab
analisislah fungsi sosial , struktur generik dan ciri kebahasaan tentang pelanggar protokol kesehatan covid 19 harus diberi sanksi! tuliskan dalam […]
If they start playing football at 4 pm and playing for one hour and half, what time do they finish?
If they start playing football at 4 pm and playing for one hour and half, what time do they finish? […]
Apa bhs inggrisny mata,tangan,kaki?
Apa bhs inggrisny mata,tangan,kaki? Jawaban ✨ mata : eyes tangan : hand kaki : foot jadi : eyes,hand,foot semoga membantu […]
Bisa tolong translate gak kakak/abang2 Terima kasih yah
Bisa tolong translate gak kakak/abang2 Terima kasih yah Economist define demand as consumer desire, within another word of demand is […]
Change this sentence into Negative form My mother usually cooks our breakfast at 5 every morning
yg bsa bntu, bth secepatnya!!!!jgn ngasal Change this sentence into Negative form My mother usually cooks our breakfast at 5 […]
Mine, our, yours, hers, his, or theirs.
Fill in the blank with possessive1. We gave them our telephone number, and they gave2. That's not their house has […]
Driver… Park here. There id no parking sig
Driver… Park here. There id no parking sig Jawaban: doesn't Penjelasan: SEMOGA MEMBANTU :)) JAWABAN TERCERDAS SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL Mohamad Fadhil_17 […]
The text is written is to….
The text is written is to…. Jawaban: maaf saya gatau Penjelasan: teksnya aja dimana?
Buatkan satu dialog dengan 4 tokoh tentang undangan dalam bahasa inggris
Buatkan satu dialog dengan 4 tokoh tentang undangan dalam bahasa inggris andi: hi rica come to the anniversary event was […]