Dialougue yang menggunakan kata can and will A : Hello, good morningB : good morningA : Hey, can you hold […]
Category: B. inggris
Apa bahasa inggris nya ayo kita nonton film ini sayang
Apa bahasa inggris nya ayo kita nonton film ini sayang let's watch this movie honey semoga membantu Jawaban: Ayo Kita […]
Jangan di hapus ya!!!
terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris!! sekalian jawab ya! "SAYA SENANG PUNYA TEMAN BARU, WALAU DI RUMAH. WALAU SAYA BELUM BERTATAP […]
Jawab sesuai task 14
1.what is the appliance for ?2.in your opinion,why can't you use the Chopper to chop hard ingredients?3.what is the first […]
Make dialogues with your partner based on the situations given!
1. You want to go to the toilet. You ask permission to your teacher. He gives you permission.X:Y:2. You want […]
MENGGARIS BAWAHI KATA SIFAT YG DALAM TEKS TTERSEBUT,Mohon Di Bantu Yaa Ka 1.belang likes to eat fish 2.She likes to […]
Buatlah cerita dengan judul “Traveling to other planets in the universe” dalam bahasa inggris
Buatlah cerita dengan judul “Traveling to other planets in the universe” dalam bahasa inggris One day, Little Jay asked dad, […]
Who are talking in the dialoguemhon dijawab
Who are talking in the dialoguemhon dijawab Jawaban: wownssosj Penjelasan: snisbxxbxsksnnd
Tolong buatkan pidato bahasa inggris tentang budi pekerti..
Tolong buatkan pidato bahasa inggris tentang budi pekerti.. Don be lazy guysKeep spirit your your taskDo it for yourselfDo it […]
All said, “The rain has stopped.” The indirect speech of that sentence is that The rain……
All said, “The rain has stopped.” The indirect speech of that sentence is that The rain…… Has stopped and rainy […]