Tolong buat kalimat nya Jawaban: A. my book : buku ku your pen :pulpen mu our food :makanan kami hes […]
Category: B. inggris
Tolong saya untuk mengerjakan ini
Tolong saya untuk mengerjakan ini Jawaban: 10. We aux not buying any food? segitu aja yang aku tau
Perbedaan kata interogatif dan word question
Perbedaan kata interogatif dan word question Interogatif : Who used my computer?word question : what are you doing here? interogatif […]
Tolong Jawab pertanyaan ini:>
”> Tolong Jawab pertanyaan ini:> Jawaban: 1 a 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 c 6 b 7 a […]
44. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A Carnpbell never felt leaving lor the universityB. Campbell stopped working because of his sicknessC. Campbell focused his research dealing […]
BUAT KALIMAT DG MENGGUNAKAN KATA2 DI BAWAH INI. 1. they/bring (past tense) 2. he/buy (past tense) 3. when I/come while she/watch (past progressive tens). Tiap soal kalo bisa ada positif,negatif dan introgratif
BUAT KALIMAT DG MENGGUNAKAN KATA2 DI BAWAH INI. 1. they/bring (past tense) 2. he/buy (past tense) 3. when I/come while […]
Bahasa Inggris dari:”Ren sangat manis”
Bahasa Inggris dari:”Ren sangat manis” Jawaban: Ren very cute…….. Jawaban: Ren is very sweet kalo benar like ya!!!
Tolong yang bisa bantu jawab
Tolong yang bisa bantu jawab Jawaban: a. there is no theme for jihan's party Jawaban: jawabannya There is no theme […]
POLAND Christmas in Poland is celebrated with gift-giving, church services, and watching the wildly popular film, "Home Alone," according to […]
Susunlah kata kata tersebut supaya menjadi benar e – n – r – s – h – a – p – e – r = ….
Susunlah kata kata tersebut supaya menjadi benar e – n – r – s – h – a – p […]