A. He did the assignment last night B. She has lived in Semarang for 3 months Ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif […]
Category: B. inggris
Change into passive voice !
Rubahlah menjadi kalimat pasif ! a. The gardener plants trees b. The government protects rare animals and plants TOLONG CEPAT […]
Kakak tolong di jawab soal bahasa Inggris di kumpulkan jam 08.00
Kakak tolong di jawab soal bahasa Inggris di kumpulkan jam 08.00 Jawaban: 1. His gender is male 2. His name […]
1.) when something is wet it is….
1.) when something is wet it is…. Jawaban: Moist (lembab/basah) …………. Penjelasan: …….. Jawaban: soaked in water Penjelasan:
tuliskan 3 kalimat SPOK yang di dalamnya ada subject dan objek pronouns tulis dalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia
tuliskan 3 kalimat SPOK yang di dalamnya ada subject dan objek pronouns tulis dalam bahasa inggris dan indonesia Jawaban Terkonfirmasi […]
Tolong buat besok!!!!!????!??!?!?!??!??
Tolong buat besok!!!!!????!??!?!?!??!?? 1.yes,she is2.dinda hobbies are reading, gardening, and dancing3.dinda like reading because Dinda can get more knowledge4.yes,she can5.kinds […]
Complete these dialogs using expreesing doubt!
1. Would you mind if I am from the osis organization? I fell that I couldn't concentrate to study recently. […]
Tolong buat kata berikut ke kata yang benar
Tolong buat kata berikut ke kata yang benar 8-3-5-4-2-6-7-9-1 itu mungkin kalau gak salah
say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) and if they are false say why. A. ( ) the economic systems of the united states and the soviet union are the same B. ( ) in the united states the means of prduction are privately owned. C. ( ) Karl marx was an eighteenth century economic thinker. D. ( ) The british system is based on the principles of Karl marx. E. ( ) because britain has a system of private enterprise, we can say that its economy is similar to the american economy. F. ( ) capital is essentially surplus income used fo new businnes activities. G. ( ) individual citizens in britian and the united states have complete economic freedom. H. ( ) british citizens can choose what they want to do as long as they obey the law.
say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) and if they are false say why. A. ( ) […]
Sebutkan contoh kegiyatan yang sesuai dengan sila ke 2 pancasila
Sebutkan contoh kegiyatan yang sesuai dengan sila ke 2 pancasila Jawaban: bersikap adil, membantu korban bencana alam, melakukan kegiatan kemanusiaan […]