Sebutkan contoh kegiyatan yang sesuai dengan sila ke 2 pancasila Jawaban: bersikap adil, membantu korban bencana alam, melakukan kegiatan kemanusiaan […]
Category: B. inggris
Complete these dialogs using expreesing doubt!
1. Would you mind if I am from the osis organization? I fell that I couldn't concentrate to study recently. […]
Complete the text with words from the list
Complete the text with words from the list Jawaban: 1) Guitar 2) Touring 3) Album 4) Been 5) Upset
ta air Receptionist Good morning sir. this is the recaptionist. Can I haip you? Guest : “res, Please My (2) is rather hot. I think the conditionar Isn’t working properly. could you sand someone to (2) It? Receptionist : “Certainly sir. I’ll (3) someone to your room right away. Guest . thank you.” Recap tronist: “Anything else I can CC) for you, sir? Guest . Receptionist : Ok ag that would be fine. . 21 s’aco. (s) fr a. That’s au e. chack a room b. do d Sond
ta air Receptionist Good morning sir. this is the recaptionist. Can I haip you? Guest : “res, Please My (2) […]
Buatlah 10 kata sapa dalam bahasa inggris
Buatlah 10 kata sapa dalam bahasa inggris Jawaban: 1. how are you going? (apa kabar) 2. how are things? (apa […]
Tolang ya kak dibantu dilengkapi, jawabannya
Tolang ya kak dibantu dilengkapi, jawabannya Jawaban: ini materinya bab apa?
Tulislah suasana di dalam stasiun dalam bahasa Inggris
Tulislah suasana di dalam stasiun dalam bahasa Inggris Jawaban: Usually, public places like the station are very crowded. people come […]
1. tuliskan 3 contoh kalimat yes/no question (verbal)
2.tuliskan 3 contoh kalimat yes/no question (nominal} no. (4,5,6,7) masing2 2 contoh kalimat yes/no question dari kata tsb. 1. tuliskan […]
Than soal
Lengkapilah!A. Fega:(1)…….Rina.Rina: Good afternoon, Fega.Rina: How are you?Fega:(2)…….What about you?B.Vita: Hi, Tama!Tama:(3)…….VitaC. Vita:(4)…..Tama: Good evening.D. Teacher: (5)………………,students!Student Good bye, mam! […]
Tolong di jawab yaa yang di garis merahi
kalau jawab lumayan nih dapat 10 poindijawabya smoga jawabannya benar Tolong di jawab yaa yang di garis merahi leave talking […]