Tolong dijawab yaaaaa​ Jawaban: 1.blaky cat playful 2.miss kirana famous dancer 3.jakarta crowded city 4.boy i strong 5.farida friendly girl […]

Tita: it's …. A.ten minutes to TenB.ten minutes past TenC.twenty minutes past thirtyD.ten o'clock past Ten minutes​ 11. Dion : […]

Contoh dialog suggest and offer Jawaban Terkonfirmasi Example of dialog of suggestA: ouch… back…B: what happened?A: It's very painful.B: You […]

1In pairs, read the sentences and identify whether the sentence is written in presentcontinuous tense, past continuous tense, or future […]

Apa arti kata kunci ? Kata kunci merupakan sebuah kata atau konsep dengan keistimewaan yang ber arti kata apa pun […]