My father and i watch television together Jawaban: ayah saya dan saya sedang menonton televisi Penjelasan: semoga membanru
Category: B. inggris
………………………………………………………….. Jawaban tolonf sebutkan nama dan nim anda. ini adalah soal uts tidk boleh di sebar. Penjelasan: Jawaban: mampus Penjelasan: […]
……………………….. Jawaban: ini maksudnya apa y??
Tolong bantu kk, yg mana jawabannya
Tolong bantu kk, yg mana jawabannya Jawaban: No, it is not Penjelasan : karena does/does'nt digunakan ketika menjelaskan peristiwa yang […]
” …… but we are a large group, i can’t count it precisely”. the word precisely has closest meaning with …… *
a. accurately. b. objectively. c. definitely. d. obviously. ” …… but we are a large group, i can’t count […]
1. Please write short message based upon the situation given below!
a. Write to your mum that you thank her for the lunch box. 1. Please write short message based upon […]
Tedi What are the girls doing right there? Udin Which expression is suitable to fill the blank
Tedi What are the girls doing right there? Udin Which expression is suitable to fill the blank Jawaban: Tedi Apa […]
50 poin!!!BAHASA INGGRIStolong dijawab semuanya
50 poin!!!BAHASA INGGRIStolong dijawab semuanya Jawaban: the dictionary brought by alex every week bento catch fish every night tense reading […]
Guru kami memberikan tugas setiap bulan arti dalam bahasa Inggris
Guru kami memberikan tugas setiap bulan arti dalam bahasa Inggris Jawaban: Our teacher gives assignments every month Jawaban: our teacher […]
Write down eight names animal at the zoo
Write down eight names animal at the zoo Jawaban: elephant monkey giraffe crocodile rhino snake parrot chameleon maaf kalau salah […]