the numbers in the following pictures, aloud.2325StoreconvenientOpen 24/7OTANPicture 3.4 An AC remote controllustrator: Aries S.Picture 3.5 A store boardIllustrator: Aries […]

2.) Rp. 550.00 = it is…3.) Rp. 2,000.00 = it is…4.) Rp. 2,700,000 = it is…5.) Rp. 12,000.00 = it […]

Tolong bantu jawab y​ Jawaban: brilliant–amazing/colorful well-known–noisy/busy incredible–well-liked/unusual close–near/good popular–new/excelent crowded–famous/rich Penjelasan: I hope this helping 🙂 sorry if i […]

Message ada generic structure nya gak? Yes cause messege ada generic structure InsyaAllah…klw mnurut saya massage ad generic structurenya…trimah ksih…amga mmnbtu […]