Ceritakan pengalaman anda saat tidak mengikuti hati nurani dan bagaimana perasaa anda saat itu? Jawaban:sedih Pengalamannya aku main sepeda tapi […]
Category: SBMPTN
dalam suatu tes jumlah soal 50 butir pilihan ganda,jawaban benar diberi skor 1, jawaban salah skor 0 dan tidak dijawab skor 0. seorang siswa setelah mengikuti tes tersebut memperoleh skor 200 . apakah siswa tersebut mendapat nilai bagus atau tidak ? Dan berapa banyak siswa tersebut menjawab soal benar dan salah?
dalam suatu tes jumlah soal 50 butir pilihan ganda,jawaban benar diberi skor 1, jawaban salah skor 0 dan tidak dijawab […]
Mengapa manusia harus mempelajari dan menerapkan perilaku asmaul husna? contonnya minimal 5!
Mengapa manusia harus mempelajari dan menerapkan perilaku asmaul husna? contonnya minimal 5! Asmaul Husna adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menyebut […]
Patung di samping terbuat dari bahan a. plastisin b. sabun c. tanah liat d. kayu
Patung di samping terbuat dari bahan a. plastisin b. sabun c. tanah liat d. kayu Jawaban: kayu Penjelasan: maaf kalau […]
Jika alog (ab) = a dan 1/alog b^2 = a – 1,maka nilai dari b – a =…
Jika alog (ab) = a dan 1/alog b^2 = a – 1,maka nilai dari b – a =… Jawaban: Semoga […]
Apa arti lagu sehidup semati??
Apa arti lagu sehidup semati?? Artinya hidup bersama dan mati bersama.intinya akan selalu bersama. maaf klo salah Sehidup semati artinya […]
Soal SImak UI Bahasa Inggris A. To give an example of bees which are very selective about source of pollen
Bungee jumping might seem frightening. But it is very safe …(48)…if you go to a well established bungee jump company. […]
Soal SImak UI Bahasa Inggris A. To give an example of bees which are very selective about source of pollen
Bungee jumping might seem frightening. But it is very safe …(48)…if you go to a well established bungee jump company. […]
Soal SImak UI Bahasa Inggris ____ To some extent the comparison is apt, and to a degree it is helpful in understanding what an actor does when he is creating and performing a role. With his kings and queens, his cowboys and Indian, or his spacemen, the child projects himself into a make-believe world. From his imagination-triggered by his own experience, limited though it may be-he provides circumstances of time, place, and relationship between the characters. He then proceeds to behave, that is, to speak and to perform physical actions, in a manner that he believes in appropriate to these circumstances. If the game is to prove interesting, these circumstances must provide a reason for carrying out the actions. He has to rescue the princess from the enchanted castle, or rid the town of dangerous bandits, or get his spaceship into orbit without being detected by the enemy. A child with imagination can become involved in such a game to the extent that it has for him a degree of reality, and he may become resentful of adults who intrude into his make-believe world.
The paragraph following the above most likely discusses … A. Children’s vast imagination B. The privacy of make-believe world of […]