Celin : Do you have my keys? Dion : No. I put … on the table. Celin : Great. I see them. What about my wallet? Dion : I think … set it on the counter. celin : Really ? I don’t see it. Dion : Well. I’ll help you. One of … will find it.​

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Celin : Do you have my keys? Dion : No. I put … on the table. Celin : Great. I see them. What about my wallet? Dion : I think … set it on the counter. celin : Really ? I don’t see it. Dion : Well. I’ll help you. One of … will find it.​


Celin : Do you have my keys? Dion : No. I put it on the table. Celin : Great. I see them. What about my wallet? Dion : I think you set it on the counter. celin : Really ? I don’t see it. Dion : Well. I’ll help you. One of us will find it.

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