Cerita my home dalam bahasa inggris beserta arti

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Cerita my home dalam bahasa inggris beserta arti

 my home is very big. and my home is very clean. i have brother and sister in the home. i"m very happy to live with them. we always work together and make funny together.
   rumah saya sangat besar dan sangat bersih. saya punya abang dan kakak di rumah. kami sangat bahagia tinggal di sana.

This is my home,there is many2 room at there..and many2 room hole,this is the one i love..center room..i dont know whats it for? but i love the wallpaper and than that pictures hanging on the wall.
and there is a deep underground storage,i'll keep many things at there.
And this is my room,i love it because it was larger than the else..i love my pictures at the borobudur temple with my grandma and i put it on my desk..
This is my mother's own room,that was little bit large and that is a kitchen..i have many2 room but im sorry i cant descript it for you..:-)