Cerita sangkuriang dalam bahasa indonesia ke dalam bahasa inggris​

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Cerita sangkuriang dalam bahasa indonesia ke dalam bahasa inggris​

Bahasa inggris:Once upon a time in the old days when playing a pig was passing in the wilderness. The boar was relaxing in the hot sun. As he searched for springs, he saw that water was collected in the taro trees of the forest.

Drink the water immediately to quench your thirst. Without realizing it, that air is King Sungging Perbangkara's senior air. Because of the power of Raja Sungging Perbangkara, the boar was pregnant after drinking its urine. Nine months later the boar starts a baby girl.

king of Sungging Perbangkara knows about the existence of a baby girl born because of the artistic air. He also went to the forest to look for it. The baby girl is expected. He also said Dayang Sumbi and returned to the royal palace.

Court Lady Sunbi grew up to be a very beautiful woman. It felt like the countless kings, princes and nobles who wanted to marry the daughter of King Sungging Perbangkara. However, all the proposals were rejected by Dayang Sumbi smoothly. Not at all rejected by Dayang Sumbi, those who were rejected by the proposal fought each other to fight over themselves.

Dayang Sumbi was very sad to understand the reality of the princes, kings and nobles whom he refused to fight each other. He also begged King Sungging Perbangkara to exile himself. The King finally allows you to isolate yourself. Dayang Sumbi secluded herself on a hill accompanied by a male dog named the tumang. To fill his spare time while in exile, Dayang Sumbi also weaved.

Once upon a time, the compilation of Dayang Sumbi was weaving, weaving equipment fell. At that time Dayang Sumbi took it lazy to take it. Throwing words that he did not need to realize. "Whoever receives the fallen weaving equipment, if I were a man I would make a husband, if he were a woman he would be my brother."

None of them took the fallen weaving equipment and gave it to Dayang Sumbi.

There was nothing that Dayang Sumbi could do other than fulfill her words. He was married to Si Tumang who turned out to be incarnation of a god. The Tumang is a god who is cursed into an animal and thrown to earth. A few months after marriage, Dayang Sumbi was pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Dayang Sumbi received the name Sangkuriang.

Time passed. A few years later passed. Sangkuriang has grown into an inviting handsome young man. Dashing. His body is strong and stocky. Sakti Mandraguna is also Dayang Sumbi's child.

Since childhood, Sangkuriang has loved hunting. Every time hunting in the forest. Sangkuriang is always accompanied by the tumang. Sangkuriang did not know that Tumang was his biological father.

One day Sangkuriang with his friend Si Tumang returned to hunt in the forest. Sangkuriang intends to look for deer because he really wants deer love. After a while in the forest, Sangkuriang saw a deer grazing behind a thicket. Sangkuriang invited the tumang to chase the deer Very strange, the Tumang who is usually obedient, the compilation did not obey his orders. Sangkuriang became angry. He said. "If asked to remain not according to my instructions, surely I will kill you."

The threat of Sangkuriang seems to be ignored by Tumang. Because annoyed and angry, then Sangkuriang killed the Tumang. He took the black dog's heart and brought it home. Sangkuriang gives the Tumang's heart to be submitted for cooking.

Unknowingly Dayang Sumbi, who was given the heart, was given. He then cooks and processes it. So, Dayang Sumbi's anger at Sangkuriang cannot be compiled, she knows that the heart she eats is the heart of the Tumang. He then grabbed a dipper made from a coconut shell and hit Sangkuriang's head, until Sangkuriang's head was injured.

Sangkuriang was very angry and hurt by the guidance. According to him, his mother loved the Tumang more than he. So, without saying goodbye to Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang then wandered eastward.

Dayang Sumbi was very sorry after learning about the departure of Sangkuriang the goat. He also imprisoned and begged forgiveness to the gods for the mistakes he made. The gods heard the request of Dayang Sumbi, they accepted the apology and gave Dayang Sumbi eternal beauty.

Syahdan, Sangkuriang continues to wander without a definite purpose. In his wanderings, Sangkuriang continued to increase his magic by studying for magic people he met during his wandering. For years Sangkuriang wandered without realizing he returned to the place where

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