Cerita tentang liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

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Cerita tentang liburan ke pantai dalam bahasa inggris

Tour to Pangandaran Beach

At the end of second semesters ago, my class conducted tours to Pangandaran Beach. We decided to go to Pangandaran Beach by renting a bus. That day was very enjoyable holiday for us because we went together to relieve our fatigue after having a final exams.

Pangandaran Beach Tour was started at 08.00 in the morning. Our trip to the beach spent time for 2 hours on the way. There are so many stories and experience which we had there. We sang all the time along our way till the 2 hours did not seem long for us. Instead we felt the time passed quickly.

We arrived at 10:00 am at Pangandaran Beach. We cannot wait to feel the happiness in Pangandaran beach which is famous for its beauty. After our bus was parked, we all headed to hut to put our stuff there. Even there some my friends were already heading to the beach. After that we went to replace our clothes to swim. After that we headed to the beach together.

We were very pleased and happy to play on the beach. There were so many activities that we did on that day, such as swimming, water playing, chasing each other on the seashore, and banana boat riding. Even I was buried in the sand by my friends until my whole body covered with sand beach. We all played on the beach up to 2 hours.

Right at 12 o’clock, we all had a rest for lunch. We all opened stock that we carried from our home. We ate together near the lodge by making a circle. We felt family and togetherness atmosphere at that time. We also shared food one another. That moment is so unforgettable.

After having a meal, we all took a rest with lounging around the beach. My friends which are good at playing guitar began to play his guitar while we sang together. After being pleased with singing, we all went to enjoy the beauty of the beach once again. There were some of my friends swim back, but there were also who went for shopping around the coast. I enjoyed the beauty of the beach by sitting on the beach.

After 4:00 o’clock we all started to clean up, take a shower and change our clothes to go home. Before returning home, we took a picture together as our fond memories. The day was very fast and we also had to go home. At 6:00 o’clock we arrived at the school. After that we went to home each other. It was a wonderful experience.