Chage the below into permission request then practce them!

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3.Go to the restroom/i
4.Drink coffee/we
5.Meet my friends/i
6.Play outside/i
7.Have a break/i
8.Eat right now/we
9.Come to dilla's party/we
10.Join the tour/i

Chage the below into permission request then practce them!


1. Can i go watch a movie at your house today?

2. Can we dance together?

3. May I go to the restroom please?

4. Could we drink coffee now?

5. Can i meet my friends after school today?

6. Can i play outside at 4p.m today?

7. Can i have a break for now?

8. Is it okay if we eat right now?

9. Could we go to dilla's party?

10. May i join the tour some other time?