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into indirect/ Reportedspeach

1.He said " I will meet her tomorrow"
2.She said he is coming this week."
3.He asked me " Are you a teacher ?
4. they asked him " would you like to come with us!
5.John asked mary "what did you do in your spare time !"
6.Does your mother like to watch TV?" he wants to know.
7."were you busy yesterday ?" the teather asked me.
8.Don't smoke in the class ! " he warned us
9."why did the baby cary? " Hina asked us

( tolong bantu ya)​


Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


Indirect atau reported speech adalah kalimat tidak langsung dalam bahasa Indonesia. Change into indirect or reported speech.

1. He said that he would meet her the following day.

2. She said that he was coming that week.

3. He asked me whether I was a teacher.

4. They asked him if he would like to come with them.

5. John asked Mary what she had done in her spare time.

6. He wants to know whether my mother liked to watch TV.

7. The teacher asked whether I had been busy the day before.

8. He warned us to not smoke in the class.

9. Hina asked us why the baby had cried.


Untuk mengubah direct speech menjadi indirect speec, beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah

1. Jenis tense yang digunakan pada kalimat tersebut.

2. Mengetahui jenis kalimat tersebut, apakah kalimat tersebut berupa pernyataan, kalimat yes/no question, kalimat tanya 5W 1H, kalimat perintah, atau kalimat larangan.

3. Mengubahnya menjadi bentuk lampau yang sejenis. Contoh

pada nomor 1 adalah kalimat simple future tense, maka diubah menjadi past future tense (would + v1).

pada nomor 2 adalah kalimat present continuous tense, maka diubah menjadi past continuous tense (was/were + v-ing)

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