Change all the sentences in the paragraphs into passive forms a. The sun is just one of billions stars in the universe.As the sun travels through space many other celestial bodies circle it.The sun’s gravitational field holds the eight know planets in orbit.The planets own satellites or moons, in turn, circle the planets

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Change all the sentences in the paragraphs into passive forms a. The sun is just one of billions stars in the universe.As the sun travels through space many other celestial bodies circle it.The sun’s gravitational field holds the eight know planets in orbit.The planets own satellites or moons, in turn, circle the planets




Ubah semua kalimat dalam paragraf menjadi bentuk pasif a. Matahari hanyalah salah satu dari milyaran bintang di alam semesta Saat matahari bergerak melalui ruang angkasa, banyak benda langit lainnya yang mengelilinginya Medan gravitasi matahari menahan delapan planet yang diketahui di orbit, Planet-planet memiliki satelit atau bulan, pada gilirannya, mengelilingi planet-planet tersebut.