Change into Passive! ​

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Change into Passive! ​

Change into Passive! ​


1. The papers are being corrected by the teacher now.

2. I was not invited by him to the party last night.


  • I am going to be given a present for my birthday (by them)
  • A present is going to be given to me for my birthday (by them)

4. The rooms are cleaned by the maid every morning.

5. The matter has been discussed by us seriously.

6. The books ought to be returned by her to the library immediately.

7. Will a new house be built by them in this town?

8. Was the dictionary bought by her last week?

9. Have toys been made by the man in his spare time?

10. Are the classrooms being painted by him now?



Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat di mana subjeknya lah yang menerima/terkena suatu aksi di dalam kalimat. Pola umum kalimat pasif adalah:

Be + V3  


  • Active: I bought a bag
  • Passive: A bag was bought (by me)

Bisa dilihat pada kalimat di atas, objek pada kalimat aktif a bag berubah menjadi subjek pada kalimat pasif dan menerima aksi was bought (dibeli) oleh pelaku aksi me.  


  • Pelaku aksi by me pada kalimat pasif bisa dihilangkan.
  • Pola kalimat aktif dan pasif sedikit berubah dalam berbagai tenses.

Pola Active ➔ Passive Berbagai Tenses

Present Continuous


  • Active: S + is/am/are + V-ing + O
  • Passive: S + is/am/are + being + V3


  • Active: S + is/am/are + not + V-ing + O
  • Passive: S + is/am/are + not + being + V3


  • Active: Is/am/are + S + V-ing + O + …?
  • Passive: Is/am/are + S + being + V3 + …?

1. The teacher is correcting the papers now.

⤷ The papers are being corrected by the teacher now.

10. Is he painting the classrooms now?

Are the classrooms being painted by him now?

Simple Past


  • Active: S + V2 + O
  • Passive: S + was/were + V3


  • Active: S + did + not + V1 + O
  • Passive: S + was/were + not + V3


  • Active: Did + S + V1 + O + …?
  • Passive: Was/were + S + V3 + …?

2. He didn't invite me to the party last night.

⤷ I was not invited by him to the party last night.

8. Did she buy the dictionary last week?

Was the dictionary bought by her last week?

Future Be Going To


  • Active: S + is/am/are + going to + V1 + O
  • Passive: S + is/am/are + going to + be + V3

3. They are going to give me a present for my birthday.

⤷ I am going to be given a present for my birthday (by them)

⤷ A present is going to be given to me for my birthday (by them)


  • Keduanya benar dikarenakan kalimat tersebut memiliki 2 objek, maka bisa dibuat 2 kalimat pasif.
  • Direct object (objek langsung) ➔ A present
  • Indirect object (objek tidak langsung) ➔ Me

Simple Present


  • Active: S + V1 + O
  • Passive: S + is/am/are + V3


  • Active: S + do/does + not + V1 + O
  • Passive: S + is/am/are + not + V3


  • Active: Do/does + S + V1 + O + …?
  • Passive: Is/am/are + S + V3 + …?

4. The maid cleans the rooms every morning.

⤷ The rooms are cleaned by the maid every morning.

Present Perfect


  • Active: S + have/has + V3 + O
  • Passive: S + have/has + been + V3


  • Active: Have/has + S + V3 + O + …?
  • Passive: Have/has + S + been + V3 + …?

5. We have discussed the matter seriously.

⤷ The matter has been discussed by us seriously.

9. Has the man made toys in his spare time?

⤷ Have toys been made by the man in his spare time?

Menggunakan Modals


  • Active: S + modals + V1+ O
  • Passive: S + modals + be + V3

6. She ought to return the books to the library immediately.

⤷ The books ought to be returned by her to the library immediately.

Simple Future


  • Active: Will/shall + S + V1 + O + …?
  • Passive: Will/shall + S + be + V3 + …?

7. Will they build a new house in this town?

Will a new house be built by them in this town?