Change into the passive ones!

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they built the house thirty years ago, and it is still in very good condition​

Change into the passive ones!


At thirty years ago, the house had been built by they, and it is still in very good condition



The house was built thirty years ago and it is still in very good condition.


Yang perlu diubah cm bagian ini:

'They built the house thirty years ago' –> kalimat dalam bentuk simple past.

They (subject)

Built (verb2)

The house (object)

Thirty years ago (complement)

Untuk passive voice subject dan object harus bertukar tempat. Subject jadi object, object jadi subject.

The house (subject)

They (object) menjadi 'them'

Built (verb2) diubah menjadi bentuk verb3 (tetap 'built')

Polanya menjadi :

The house was built thirty years ago by them, and it is still in very good condition.