Change the sentences below into Active voice

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1. They promise to finish their homework
2. Beatrice sparks edited the book
3.they are going to finish the task next week
4. A careless student had left these books in the classroom​

Change the sentences below into Active voice

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. They promise to finish their homework

Their homework is promised to finish.

2. Beatrice sparks edited the book

The book was edited by Beatrice sparks

3.they are going to finish the task next week

The task is going to be finished by them next week.

4. A careless student had left these books in the classroom​

The books had been left by a careless student in the classroom


Soal-soal di atas adalah soal mengubah active voiice menjadi passive voice. Karena kalimat-kalimat di atas adalah kalima aktif.