Change the sentences from active to passive:

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1. He kicks the ball.
2. They are giving the books.
3. She has opened the door.
4. Marry brought her father to the hospital.
5. Ali where listening to music while they were coming.
6. Mike had taken the umbrella before the rain started.
7. We Will appreciate the winner.
kak, tolong bantuin ya. ubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif. please mohon bantuannya :)​

Change the sentences from active to passive:


Ubah kalimat dari aktif ke pasif:

1. Dia menendang bola.

2. Mereka memberikan buku-buku.

3. Dia telah membuka pintu.

4. Menikah membawa ayahnya ke rumah sakit.

5. Ali tempat mendengarkan musik saat mereka datang.

6. Mike telah mengambil payung sebelum hujan mulai.

7. Kami Akan menghargai pemenang.


Maaf saya gabisa Ganti kalimatnya bisanya hanya menerjemahkan . semoga membantu