Change these Active sentences into Passive Voice!

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1. I write a letter.
2. He is buying a car
3. He hated me.
4. I was admiring this statue.
5. They will polish the car.
6. I have punished those children.
7. She would sell her house.
8. We had found your watches.
9. David didn’t rode the bicycle.
10. She cut my nail.
11. We are arresting the pickpocket (copet)
12. I shall buy a car.
13. Do you love me?
14. Have you paid all debt? (debt=hutang)
15. I have found your wallet.
16. Mr. Thomson doesn’t trust you.
17. He teaches me English.
18. The servant sweeps the rooms.
19. Mother makes a cup of tea.
20. She takes a plate from the cupboard.
21. My uncle used my car.
22. People admire the picture.
23. The wind blew his hat down the street.
24. They will take her to hospital tomorrow.

25. The police gave me $5 reward.
26. They will send Nazarudin to prison.
27. People should make lesson more interesting.
28. They have eaten all the dinner.
29. Somebody left the light on all night.
30. No one can answer your question.
31. They built two new house last year.
32. Someone has stolen my collection of coin.
33. Lions attacked the travelers.
34. I have sharpened the knives.
35. Someone blew whistle three times.
36. The police have to put you in prison.
37. We have found the stolen car in another town.
38. You didn’t feed the chicken yesterday.
39. The students can submit their assignments.( tugas)
40. We must write the answers on one side of the paper.

Change these Active sentences into Passive Voice!

1. a letter is wtitten by me.
2.a car is being bought by him
3.i was hated by him.
4. this statue was being admired by me.
5.the car will be polished by them.
6.those children have been punished by me.
7. her house would be sold
8. your watch had been found by us.
9.the bicycle was not ride by david nail was cut by her.

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