Change these sentences into passive

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1 . he meets them everyday
2 . evan bought some flowers for his a girl friends
3 . we are decorating the hall
4 . rina bought a necklace
5 . reni is taking an umbrella
6 . the army shot the terrorist
7 . we can help you
8 . we will pick you up next week
9 . we will held a party tomorrow
10 . will invite you to my party .

tolongg ka , besok senin dikmpl . selesai apel …

Change these sentences into passive

1. they are met by him every day
2. some flowers were bought for his girlfriend by evan 
3. the hall are being decorated by us
4. a necklace was bought by rina
5. an umbrella is being took by reni
6. the terrorist was shot by the army
7. you can be helped by us
8. you will be picked bext week by us
9. a party will be held by us
10. you will be invited to my party by me