Change these sentences into Passive Voice.

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1. She buys some vegetable

2. The man is waiting his girl.

3. Mother cooked the food in the kitcken

4. They have finished the job

5. The boy will help the old man.

6. The student had made the new experiment.

7. The woman would have washed her clothes.

8. The teacher will be explaning the lesson.​

Change these sentences into Passive Voice.

  • Some vegetables are bought by her
  • (Beberapa sayur dibeli olehnya)
  • The girl is being waited by her boy.
  • (Gadis itu ditunggu oleh kekasihnya)

Ini perlu penjelasan sedikit ya :

Jadi, umumnya kalau umumnya jika kalimat "the man is waiting his girl" (pria itu sedang menunggu kekasihnya) diubah ke dalam bentuk passive voice biasanya langsung "his girl is waiting by the man". Ini kurang tepat karena artinya " Pacarnya ditunggu oleh pria itu. yang tepat adalah "the girl is being waited by her boy" (gadis itu ditunggu oleh lelakinya). Jadi, mengubah kalimat ke dalam bentuk passive voice nya selain memperhatikan bentuk tenses yang digunakan juga sangat penting untuk memperhatikan konteksnya

  • The food was cooked by mother in the kitchen
  • (Makanan itu dimasak oleh ibu di dapur
  • The job has been finished by them
  • (Pekerjaan itu telah diselesaikan oleh mereka)
  • The new experiment has been made by the student
  • (Sebuah eksperimen dibuat oleh siswa)
  • The clothes would have been washed by the woman
  • (Pakaian itu telah ingin dicuci oleh wanita itu)
  • The lesson will be being explained by the teacher
  • (Pelajaran akan sedang dijelaskan oleh guru)

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