Change these swntences blow into passive voice we will visit japan next month

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Change these swntences blow into passive voice we will visit japan next month


Japan will be visited by us next month

Passive voice Simple Future Tense.


Next Month, Japan will be visited (by us)


Berikut cara mengubah kalimat aktif ke pasif dalam 16 tense bahasa Inggris :


1.      Simple Present

Aktif :  S + V1 + O

Pasif : O + tobe + V3


a.       I eat that cake. =>  That cake is eatean (by me).

b.      She breaks the vase. => The vase is broken (by her).

*kata dalam kurung boleh digunakan atau tidak.

2.      Present Future

Aktif : S + will + V1 + O

Pasif : O + Will + be + V3

Contoh :

a.       I will do the homework. => The homework will be done (by me).

b.      My boss will accept my plan. => My plan will be accepted (by my boss).

3.      Present Perfect

Aktif : S + Have/Has + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + V3

Contoh :

a.       You have taken the pencil. => The pencil has been taken (by you).

b.      He has written a letter. => A letter has been written (by him).

4.      Present Continuous

Aktif : S + tobe + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + tobe + being + V3

Contoh :

a.       They are destroying that big building. => That big building is being destroyed.

b.      He is eating a huge cake. => A huge cake is being eaten.

5.      Present Future Perfect

Aktif : S + Will + Have + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + V3

Contoh :

a.       We will have finished all the tasks. => All the tasks will have been finished (by us).

b.      Next month, he will have finished his paper. => Next month, his paper will have been finished (by him).

6.      Present Future Continuous

Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :

a.       I will have been cooking the dinner soon. => The dinner will have been being cooked soon (by me).

b.      I’m sure my boss will have been firing me. => I’m sure I will have been being fired (by my boss).

7.      Present Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Have/Has + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + being + V3

Contoh :

1.      I have been fixing your phone. => Your phone has been being fixed (by me).

2.      She has been eating all cakes. => All cakes have been being eaten (by her).

8.      Present Future Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :

1.      They will have been killing me. => I will have been being killed (by them).

2.      She will have been telling me the truth. => The truth will have been being told (by her).


9.      Simple Past

Aktif : S + V2 + O

Pasif : O + tobe + V3

Contoh :

a.       I broke the glass. => The glass was broken (by me).

b.      My mom told me. => I was told (by my mom).

10.  Past Future

Aktif : S + Would + V1 + O

Pasif : O + Would + be + V3

a.       I would spend the money. => The money would be spent (by me).

c.       His father would hit him. => He would be hit (by his father).

11.  Past Perfect

Aktif : S + Had + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Had + been + V3

a.       You had eaten that food. => The food had been eaten (by you).

b.      Her sister had called me for some help. => I had been called (by her sister) for some help.

12.  Past Continuous

Aktif : S + tobe (was/were) + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + tobe (was/were) + being + V3

a.         I was drinking a cup of coffee. => A cup of coffee was being drunk (by me)

b.        His mother was cooking meal for breakfast. => Meal for breakfast was being cooked (by his mother).

13.  Past Future Perfect

Aktif : S + Would + Have + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + V3

Contoh :

a.     They would have watched that movie. => That movie would have been watched (by them).

b.    Our teacher would have taught us for 1 year. => We would have been taught (by our teacher) for 1 year.

14.  Past Future Continuous

Aktif : S + Would + be + V-ing

Pasif : O + Would + be + being + V3

Contoh :

a.       We would be cleaning the house. => The house would be being cleaned (by us).

b.      She would be fixing your life. => Your life would be being fixed (by her)

15.  Past Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Had + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Had + been + being + V3

Contoh :

a.         My cat had been eating your fish. => Your fish had been being eaten (by my cat).

b.        He had been changing my life. => My life had been being changed (by him).

16.  Past Future Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Would + Have + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :

a.    My wife would have been driving the car. => The car would have been being driven (by my wife).

b.   My husband would have been climbing the wall. => The wall would have been being climbed (by my husband)

Sorry if wrong, Please say thanks and make this answer the best answer! -BocahKentang