Change this sentences into conditional sentences type 2! a. Amanda will visit her grandmother if she gets holiday. b. They will come to he party if they have car c. Someone will open the door if you ring the bell

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Change this sentences into conditional sentences type 2! a. Amanda will visit her grandmother if she gets holiday. b. They will come to he party if they have car c. Someone will open the door if you ring the bell


a. if amanda gets holiday, she might visited her grandmother

b. they would came to the party if they have car

c. someone would opened the door if you ring the bell


Conditional sentence type 2 digunakan ketika result (hasil) dari condition (syarat) tidak memiliki kemungkinan untuk terwujud karena condition (syarat) tidak mungkin dipenuhi pada masa sekarang. rumusnya yaitu if+ simple past + klausa utama. Semoga membantu 🙂