Change to passive forms

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1. They make tofu in Kediri.
2. They grow rice everywhere in Indonesia.
3. They are renovating the temple now.
4. They built Borobudur on top of a hill.
5. They formed Borobudur temple from andesite stones.
6. Elephants and horses dragged the stones from Progo river.
7. Someone has cut the trees along Malioboro street.
8. They have been building the hotel for 2 years.
9. Someone can find bakpia patuk in Condongcatur, Sleman.
10. Someone will make bakpia patuk in Kulonprogo too.

Change to passive forms

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


  1. Tofu is made by them in Kediri
  2. Rice is grown by them everywhere in Indonesia
  3. The tempel is being renovated by them now
  4. Borobudur was built by them on top of hill
  5. Borobudur temple was formed by them from andesite stones
  6. The stones were dragged by elephants and horses from progo river
  7. The trees has been cut by someone along Malioboro street
  8. The hotel has been being built by them for 2 years
  9. Bakpia patuk can be found by someone in condongcatur, Sleman.
  10. Bakpia Patuk will be made by someone in Kulonprogo too


Perintah Soal

Change to passive forms

  • Ubahlah ke bentuk pasif

Berdasarkan rumus:

A. Present Tense

  • Active: S + V1 + O
  • Passive: O + Be (is/am/are) + V3 + By S

1. They make tofu in Kediri.

➡️ Tofu is made by them in Kediri

2. They grow rice everywhere in Indonesia.

➡️ Rice is grown by them everywhere in Indonesia

B. Present Continuous

  • Active: S + is/am/are + V-ing + O
  • Passive: O + is/am/are + being + V3 + By S

3. They are renovating the temple now.

➡️ The tempel is being renovated by them now

C. Past Tense

  • Active: S + V2 + O
  • Passive: O + Be (was/were) + V3 + By S

4. They built Borobudur on top of a hill.

➡️ Borobudur was built by them on top of hill

5. They formed Borobudur temple from andesite stones.

➡️ Borobudur temple was formed by them from andesite stones

6. Elephants and horses dragged the stones from Progo river.

➡️ The stones were dragged by elephants and horses from progo river

D. Present Perfect

  • Active: S + has/have + V3 + O
  • Passive: O + has/have + been + V3 + By S

7. Someone has cut the trees along Malioboro street.

➡️ The trees has been cut by someone along Malioboro street

E. Present Perfect Continuous

  • Active: S + has/have + been + V-ing + O
  • Passive: O + has/have + been + being + V3 + By S

8. They have been building the hotel for 2 years.

➡️ The hotel has been being built by them for 2 years

F. Modal Can

  • Active: S + Can + V1 + O
  • Passive: O + Can + Be + V3 + By S

9. Someone can find bakpia patuk in Condongcatur, Sleman.

➡️ Bakpia patuk can be found by someone in condongcatur, Sleman.

G. Future Tense

  • Active: S + Will + V1 + O
  • Passive: O + will + Be + V3 + By S

10. Someone will make bakpia patuk in Kulonprogo too.

➡️ Bakpia Patuk will be made by someone in Kulonprogo too

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

  1. Grammar:
  2. Passive Voice:


  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Passive Voice
  • Level: SHS
  • Kode Mapel: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 11.5

Kata Kunci: Active Voice, Passive Voice, Present Continuous, Past Tense, Present Perfect, Future Tense