change to simple present and simple past (+),(-),(?) answer(yes,no) add time signal 1 the teachers/teach/english lesson 2 wiliam/very smart student

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change to simple present and simple past (+),(-),(?) answer(yes,no) add time signal 1 the teachers/teach/english lesson 2 wiliam/very smart student


Q: the teachers/teach/english lesson


Simple present

(+) The teachers teach English lesson every Thursday.

(-) The teachers don't teach English lesson every Thursday.

(?) Do the teachers teach English lesson every Thursday?

Simple past

(+) The teachers taught English lesson yesterday

(-) The teachers did not taught English lesson yesterday.

(?) Did the teaxhers taught English lesson yesterday?


Q: wiliam/very smart student


Simple present

(+) Wiliam is a smart student

(-) Wiliam isn't a smart student

(?) Is Wiliam a smart student?

Simple past

(Tidak dapat dibuat karena kalimat menjelaskan sifat seseorang.)

Maaf kalau salah dan semoga membantu

1. (+) The teachers teach English lesson every Friday => time signal

(-) the teachers don't teach English lesson every Friday

(?) do the teachers teach English lesson every Friday?

2. (+) William is a very smart student now => time signal

(-) William is not a very smart student now

(?) is William a very smart student now?