Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

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1 The patient is arriving / arrives / arrived at 9.45 p.m. last night.
2 We didn’t called / didn’t call / calling an ambulance, because it wasn’t necessary.
3 Did you catch / catched / caught your cold at school?
4 I walked / am walking / was walking when the dog attacked me.
5 A Did she interview the patient? B Yes, she did / interviewed / do.
6 What were you doing while / when / during you broke your leg?
7 She didn’t / wasn’t / were concentrating while she was driving.
8 They were / was / been in a fight.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.






<![CDATA[ <b>Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.</b> ]]>





<![CDATA[ The patient [#] at 9.45 p.m. last night. ]]>



<option>is arriving</option>


<option answer="correct">arrived</option>





<![CDATA[ We [#] an ambulance, because it wasn't necessary. ]]>



<option>didn't called</option>

<option answer="correct">didn't call</option>






<![CDATA[ Did you [#] your cold at school? ]]>



<option answer="correct">catch</option>







<![CDATA[ I [#] when the dog attacked me. ]]>




<option>am walking</option>

<option answer="correct">was walking</option>





<![CDATA[ <b>A</b> Did she interview the patient? <b>B</b> Yes, she [#]. ]]>



<option answer="correct">did</option>







<![CDATA[ What were you doing [#] you broke your leg? ]]>




<option answer="correct">when</option>






<![CDATA[ She [#] concentrating while she was driving. ]]>




<option answer="correct">wasn't</option>






<![CDATA[ They [#] in a fight. ]]>



<option answer="correct">were</option>





