Cipta media. from rob skillen 09:15 AM Tom,Joane and Pietter have just landed could you otganize a cat ro meet them at air port?they’ll go the office there’s a meeting at 11.45 theyre in no rush though,. thanks heaps

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Cipta media. from rob skillen 09:15 AM Tom,Joane and Pietter have just landed could you otganize a cat ro meet them at air port?they’ll go the office there’s a meeting at 11.45 theyre in no rush though,. thanks heaps

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


Cipta Media
Dari: Rob Skillen
09:15 a.m(pagi)

Tom,Joane,dan Pietter baru saja Mendarat di Bandara. Bisakah kamu memesesankan mobil untuk menjemput mereka di Bandara. Mereka akan langsung jalan ke ke kantor karena ada pertemuan pada pukul 11.45 supaya mereka tidak terlalu terburu-buru/tergesa-gesa(maksudnya dapat mempersiapkan segala sesuatu sebelum pertemuan dimulai)
