Compalete the text with the PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT from of the verbs .

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Yesterday , my friends and I 1)……… ( decide ) to go swimming in the small lake near our house . When we 2)……… ( get ) there , I 3)………( not go ) into the water because I 4)………..( leave ) my swimming costume at home . The water 5)……….(be ) freezing but all my friends 6)…………( jump ) in . But when they 7) ………. (get ) out they 8)…………( realise ) that they 9) ………. ( forget ) to bring any towels. Then , unbelievably ,it 10 ) …………..(start ) to rain. We 11)………… ( not bring ) any raincoats , of course. We all 12) ………. ( run ) home ,shaking with cold

Compalete the text with the PAST SIMPLE or PAST PERFECT from of the verbs .

1. had decided

2. got

3. didn't go

4. had left

5. was

6. had jumped

7. got

8. realised

9. had forgotten

10. started

11. hadn't brought

12. ran

past tense digunakan utk menjelaskan kejadian di masa lampau, sudah terjadi. kalau past perfect, sama juga tapi past perfect lebih menjelaskan kejadian yang satu terjadi lebih dahulu dari kejadian yg satu lagi.

maaf kalau salah ya 🙂