Comparative (More/Less + Adjective) and Superlative (The Most/Least + Adjective) Degrees

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Dialog 1

Sita : You know Hanifah, don't you?

Diaz : I do Why do you ask about her?

Sita : Well, I really admire her. She's the [1]………….[optimistic] person i have ever known.

Diaz : I know that.She's also the [2]………[energetic] class captain at school.

Sita : Agree! What if we ask her to become the next OSIS chairperson?

Cici : Good idea!

Lengkapi titik titik No. [1] dan [2]​

Comparative (More/Less + Adjective) and Superlative (The Most/Least + Adjective) Degrees


1. Most optimistic person

2. Most energetic person