complate the senteces using “will” atau “be going to”! a. After i graduated,i (attend) ….. medical school and become a docto. i have wanted to be a doctor all my life. b. A: i can’t hear the television! B: i (turn) …. it up so you can hear it c. A: i’m about to fall asleep. i need to wake up! B: i (get) ….. you a cup of coffee.that will wake you up d. A: wa (go) ….. swimming this weekend. would you like to come along? B. that sound great, but i don’t have a bathing suit A: no promlem.i (give) ….. you one. i have semo​

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complate the senteces using “will” atau “be going to”! a. After i graduated,i (attend) ….. medical school and become a docto. i have wanted to be a doctor all my life. b. A: i can’t hear the television! B: i (turn) …. it up so you can hear it c. A: i’m about to fall asleep. i need to wake up! B: i (get) ….. you a cup of coffee.that will wake you up d. A: wa (go) ….. swimming this weekend. would you like to come along? B. that sound great, but i don’t have a bathing suit A: no promlem.i (give) ….. you one. i have semo​





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