Complete the sentences using was or were. (Use Simple Past Tense of

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1. He … very tired yesterday.
2. They … not very happy together.
3. The children … very excited this morning.
Her parents … very proud of her.
5. Their daughter … pale.
His doctors … not very helpful.
7. Your new cap… on this shelf yesterday.
8. You … not friendly to my sister.
9. Ruth and her roommate … on holiday last week.
10. Jim and … awake early yesterday morning.
11. It … nice of you to bring me this book.
12. Seth and his brother Coda … very pleased to see her.
13. The oxen … very aggressive.
14. Tisha's grandparents … away when she visited them.
15. The mare … a very gentle animal.

bantu pliss​

Complete the sentences using was or were. (Use Simple Past Tense of


1. was

2. were

3. was

4. was

5. were

6. was

7. were

8. were

9. were

10. was

11. was

12. was

13. was

14. was

15. was