Complete the sentences with so, too, neither, or either :

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1.cashew does not need a lot of water to grow and ___ cactus
2. Banana trees do not have a hard trunk and papay trees ___
3. people cannot live without oxygen and ___ animals
5. cashew fruit is a tropical fruit and starfruit___
6. indian women use jasmines to decorate their hair and ___ Indonesian women.
7. tomato plants do not live long and___ chili plants.
8. dahlia originally came from America and sunflowers ___ .
9. durians cannot have fruit without insect's help and ____ longan fruit

Complete the sentences with so, too, neither, or either :

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1. neither does
2. do not either.
3. neither can.
5. is too.
6. so do.
7. neither do.
8. did too.
9. neither can.

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