Complete with there is, there are, there isnt, there arent, is there and are there

Posted on

1. … Any scissors?
2. … A skirt in the clothes store
3. … Any medicine in the drugstore
4. … Some vegetables to prepare the salad
5. … Any fruit in the supermarket?
6. … Any blue sneakers in the shoe store

Tolong terangin penggunaan nya

Trs tolong yg paham ttg perbedaan " some any an a "

Makasih banget

Complete with there is, there are, there isnt, there arent, is there and are there


are there

there is

is there

there are

is there

is there


a itu untuk q singular noun

an itu sama dengan a tapi awal katanya harus dengan huruf hidup

some itu untuk benda yang lebih dari 1 tetapi tidak bisa dihitung dan dipakai di kalimat positif

any sama dengan some tetapi di kalimat negatif