Conto procedur tex bahasa inggris membuat teh
How to Make a Cup of Tea in English
The Materials:
a tea bag
Hot water
A cup
A slice of lemon
The steps:
First, boil 2 glasses of water.
second, add two spoons of sugar into the glass.
Third, put a tea baginto a glass.
Next,pour the hot water into the glass.
Then, stir the tea until purely mixed.
The last, add the lemon slices at the glass for garnishes.
Your tea goes best with cookies and some snacks!
Cara Membuat Teh Manis Dalam Bahasa Inggris
[How to Make a Cup of Tea in English]
The Materials: [Alat dan bahan]
a tea bag [1 teh kantong]
Sugar [Gula]
Hot water [Air panas]
Spoon [Sendok]
A cup [1 Gelas/cangkir]
A slice of lemon [Seiris buah lemon]
The steps: [Langkah-langkah]
First, boil 2 glasses of water [Pertama, rebus 2 gelas air]
second, add two spoons of sugar into the glass [Kedua, tambahkan dua sendok gula ke dalam gelas.]
Third, put a tea baginto a glass [Ketiga, letakkan teh kantongnya ke dalam gelas.]
Next,pour thehotwaterinto the glass [Selanjutnya, tuangkan air panas ke dalam gelas.]
Then, stir the tea until purely mixed [Kemudian, aduk tehnya sampai benar-benar tercampur.]
The last, add the lemon slices at the glass for garnishes [Terakhir, tambahkan irisan buah lemon pada gelas sebagai hiasan.]
Your tea goes best with cookies and some snacks! [Teh Anda baik disajikan dengan kue dan beberapa makanan ringan!]
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