Contoh dari compliment dialogue

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Contoh dari compliment dialogue

Tami: What a great car you have, Fima. I really like your vehicle.
Fima: Thank you, Tami. I just finished making it look colourful.
Tami: Do You mean this is the old car that you used to drive to school?
Fima: Yes, it is. You are absolutely right
Tami: Now your car looks more beautiful. What did you do to it?
Fima: Not much. I had it paint with a brighter colour and add some new accessories.
Tami: Great job!
Fima: Thanks.

1. How + Adjective + Noun + is/are.
Contoh kalimatnya adalah:
How beautiful flower is.
How big house is.
How careful jobs are.
How deep ocean is.
How kind friens are.

2. What + Adjetive + Noun.
Bebrapa contoh ungkapan compliment dengan rumus ini adalah:
What a beautiful flower.
What a big house
What a high mount
What a wonderful job
what a nice song

3. Noun Phrase + is/look + (really) + Adjective.
Contoh ungkapan Compliment menggunakan rumus tadi adalah:
Your hair is really beautiful
The woman’s bag looks wonderful
The actor’s performance on the stage is really attractive
Your blouse is really beautiful.
Your job looks great!