Contoh dialog bahasa inggris 7orang tentang certainty and uncertainty

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Contoh dialog bahasa inggris 7orang tentang certainty and uncertainty

Tiana: Next sunday is Sumi's birthday. And she says, she want to make a birthday party.
Anne: Are you sure? Sumi's birthday is 20 August, and next sunday is 23 August.
Tiana: Yes, I'm sure about that
Anna: I'm not sure about that, because I was her best friend. She will go abroad next week
Fani: By the way, what do you think about the Math Test today? Are you will get a good mark, girls?
Ina: I'm absolutely sure that I'll get 98-100 because the question seem easy for me.
Susi: Yeah, I'm too
Diza: I'm doubt about the result of the exam. But, I tried my best on the exam

sorry kalo salah