Contoh dialog Getting attention
1. Teacher( guru ):May i have your attention please?(Boleh saya minta perhatiannya?)
Student:Of course( tentu saja )
2. Lecturer( dosen ):Listen! / Listen up! ( dengarkanlah! )
Student ( Murid ): Yes,of course ( ya,tentu saja )
semoga membantu ya 🙂
Excuse me. (Permisi)
May I have your attention, please? (Boleh saya minta perhatiannya?)
Attention, please. (Mohon perhatiannya)
Give me attention, please. (Mohon perhatiannya)
Hi! / Hey / Hello! (Hai!/ halo!)
Look! / look at this! / look at that! …
Listen! / Listen up! …
Listen to me for a moment, please.