Contoh dialog membuat penawaran dalam bahasa inggris
Contoh Percakapan Offering Help and Response
Ini adalah contoh percakapan offering help dan responnya petugas tiket yang menawarkan bantuan kepada turis yang akan pergi ke kota Bandung.
Ticket officer: Hello, can I help you, Madam? Where’s your destination?
Tourist: I need to go to Bandung, can you give me a train ticket from Surabaya to Bandung? From which station I have to go?
Ticket officer: Yes, Mam. It start from Gubeng Station.
Tourist: Is this Gubeng Station?
Ticket officer: Yes. This is Gubeng train station
Tourist: What time will the train leave?
Ticket officer: It will leave at 07.00 a.m. So, you just need to wait for 1 hours.
Tourist: Thank you. I will buy the train ticket, then
Ticket officer: How many tickets do you need, Mam?
Tourist: Bring me 3 tickets
Ticket officer: Wait a moment, please. I will process it right away
Tourist: OK
#semoga benar jawabannya
Buyer: how much is this cucumber
seller : 10000 thousand
buyer : negotiable
seller : ok i accept your offer so 9000
dialog adalah percakapan .
jadikan jawaban terbaik!