Contoh dialog showing admiration untuk 3 orang

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Contoh dialog showing admiration untuk 3 orang

A : Can you teach me how to play Piano?
B : Of course, please sit beside me
A : Okay, can you also help my friend?
B : Sure, hhmm where your friend?
A : Oh, she will come soon
B : Oh, okay

C : Hey, am i too late?
A : Hey, no you not late,, she is my friend
B : Oh really she it, ok sit here
C : Thank you, will you teach me?
B : Sure, both good note, and remember it

A, C : Wow, You are so great when playing piano, it is great piano for us
B : Really, according to me it's normal, by the way thank for the compliment
A, C : of course, at the same