Contoh dialog tentang grub band

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Contoh dialog tentang grub band

Deni: Hi Dolph. You look so tired.

Dolph: Yeah… Our music project makes me a little bit dry but I like it and overall, I’m just fine bro. How about you? You look so happy. What’s up, bro?

Deni: Well… Do you know what? My father gave me $ 50,000 for buying a new bass. Check this bass.

Dolph: Wow… That’s cool. bro. It’s simple and gentle weep. Hahahaha.

Deni: Yeah… but It ain’t for “Pop Music” cause you know that I’m fanatic of vintage style.

Dolph: I know that. So, that’s why we still play loud of “Rock N’ Roll” atmosphere.

Deni: I do agree with that. Anyway, Where is Iduy?

Dolph: He is in the restroom for a while. Maybe he will be here soon.

Deni: And how about your guitar?

Dolph: This guitar that you mean?!

Deni: No..not that one. The newest one. I heard that you bought one more.

Dolph: Oh… It’s in my “cave man” It has been repainted. So I bring this Vintage Guitar.

Deni: That’s good. It must be awesome.

Dolph: Yeah… I’m sure about it. Oh, that’s Iduy.

Iduy: Hi bro… Sorry for waiting. Did I miss something?

Deni: Not yet, We just want to start the conversation. So, What do you have for the next our concert? “Jazz, Blues” or something?!

Iduy: Alright. Dolph and I made a new song. The title is “One Last Breath” this music has quite of Rock N’ Roll skill. Like we have. And your job is adding the bass for this music.

Deni: Do you bring the sample?

Iduy: Maybe you have to ask the man.

Dolph: This is the sample. There are Vocal, Guitar, and Drum.

Let’s check it out!

Deni: Alright, that’s quite easy. What about drum set?

Iduy: Take it easy, bro. I have already prepared. This is my favorite.

Deni: Wow… By the way, Why don’t you use double pedals?

Iduy: That’s too much because we won’t play “Hard Core” anymore.

Dolph: Yeah… You’re right. We just play “Rock N’ Roll”

Deni: Alright, What are we waiting for? Let’s Rock!

Iduy: Yeah… Let’s Rock! M/

Dolph: Let’s kick them all!