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Butterfly Metamorphosis

      To grow into an adult, butterflies go through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Depending on the type of butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly may take anywhere from one month to a whole year.
A butterfly starts life as a very small, round, oval or cylindrical egg. The egg hatches and the young one called larvae or caterpillar comes out of the egg. The caterpillar first feeds on the egg shell from which it is born. It then starts feeding on the leaves and starts to grow. Its exoskeleton (skin) does not stretch or grow, so it grows by “molting” (sheding the outgrown skin) several times while it grows. As soon as a caterpillar is done growing and it has reached its full length/weight, it forms itself into a pupa, also known as a chrysalis. The pupa remains motionless in the chrysalis. In the chrysalis, the pupa undergoes a series of changes. After about 15 days, a beautiful adult butterfly emerges out of the chrysalis. When the butterfly comes out, it’s wings are small and wet, then the butterfly pumps fluids into them to make them strong and to expand. After a few hours, the wings become strong enough and the butterfly is able to fly.

Catat teksnya, lalu identifikasi generic strucrurenya. Setelah itu tuliskan kalimat2 pasif (passive voice) dan action verbs yg terdapat didalam teks tersebut.​

Contoh Explanation text :


15 Contoh Passive Voice Beserta Artinya

Bagi kalian yang belum tahu atau masih bingung, berikut kami berikan 15 contoh kalimat pasif (passive voice) dalam bahasa Inggris. Silahkan dibaca baik- baik ya guys.

1. The house is cleaned by Rita once a week (Rumah dibersihkan oleh Rita seminggu sekali).

2.Right now, the novel is being written by Deni (saat ini, novel sedang ditulis oleh Deni).

3.The car was repaired by Doni yesterday (Mobil diperbaiki oleh Doni kemarin).

4.That beach has been visited by many tourists. (Pantai tersebut sudah banyak dikunjungi oleh banyak wisatawan).

5.Many cars had been repaired by Romi before he received his mechanic’s license. (Banyak mobil telah diperbaiki oleh Romi sebelum ia menerima lisensi mekaniknya).

6.The food is going to be cooked by Melly tonight. (Makanan akan dimasak oleh Melly malam ini).

7. At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will be being washed by Peter. (Jam 8 malam ini, piring – piring akan dibersihkan oleh Peter).

8.The tasks will have been completed before the deadline. (Tugas-tugas akan telah diselesaikan sebelum tenggat waktu).

9.The cake would always be made by my mother. (Kue akan selalu dibuat oleh Ibu saya).

10.The problem cannot be solved by me (Masalah tidak bisa diselesaikan oleh saya).

11.All lessons should be learnt by students. (Semua pelajaran harus dipelajari oleh murid-murid).

12.The plant is watered by Sindy every two days. (Tanaman disiram oleh Sindy setiap dua hari).

13.A party will be held by Rendi. (Sebuah pesta akan diadakan oleh Rendi).

14.The book was read by Gina yesterday. (Buku telah dibaca oleh Gina kemarin).

15.The house is going to be sold. (Rumah tersebut akan dijual).