Contoh kalimat sesuai SVCOA simple sentence

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Contoh kalimat sesuai SVCOA simple sentence


Contoh Simple Sentence:

1. She speaks Spanish.

2. My friends read newspaper everyday.

3. The boss came late today.

4. I loved him very much.

5. Nia has lost her bag.

6. Let’s hang out together.

7. How are you doing?

8. Don’t be angry.

9. There were two cats in his house..

10. There is someone at the second floor.


1. Sebuah simple sentence memiliki satu independent clause dan mengekspresikan satu ide/topic.

Contoh: Ira plans to go to Bali next month.

2. Sebuah simple sentence pasti memiliki kombinasi satu subjek-kata kerja, tetapi subjek nya bisa majemuk atau lebih dari satu.

Contoh: Tania and Vania are happy to get the prizes.

3.  Sebuah simple sentence bisa memiliki kata kerja majemuk.

Contoh: She cooked and served a Korean dish.

4. Sebuah simple sentences bisa hanya memiliki satu kombinasi subjek-kata kerja dan tanda koma tidak digunakan.