Contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang my family

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Contoh pidato bahasa inggris tentang my family

Good morning everybody
first of all let us say pray praise in the presence of almighty God for his blessing us in this place
Ladies and gentleman
family is important that we have.There are your mother , father,sister/brother,aunty/uncle ,grandma/granpa
They are precious people around you .

When you feel fall apart, nobody can stand next to you except them.When you have problem first you should talk to them especially your parents ,why?. Because they can give you motivation and education so, you can learn how to solve your problems.

There are many people who lose their parents .Don't you see them at roadway? .Its so touching to see it but ,yeah iam blessing to have my family.

The conclusion are we must have freetime with them so when we grow up and they aren't here its so unforgettable.Trust them even if your family is poor or something bad they know how treat you better especially for parents they give you all the best .Thanks to God for his blessing that I HAVE MY FAMILY

Thanks you