Contoh soal soal Pilihan ganda Analitycal Exposition dong

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Contoh soal soal Pilihan ganda Analitycal Exposition dong

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1. What do you know about analytical exposition? A. Analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. B. Analytical exposition text is a text that retells about the past experiences. C. Analytical exposition text is a text that decribes something in general. D. Analytical exposition text is a text that guides to make something. 2. What is the mostly tense used in the text? A. Present Continuous tense. B. Present Perfect tense. C. Present Perfect continuous tense. D. Simple present tense. 3. What is the generic structure of analytical exposition? A. thesis-arguments-conclusion. B. Orientation-arguments-reorientation. C. Orientation-events-reorientation. D. Thesis-events-conclusion. 4. What is the purpose of analytical exposition? A. to help the reader to make something. B. to tell about the past experience. C. to know about someone's live. D. to persuade the reader or listener that there is something that, certainly, needs to get attention.

What is the purpose of the text?
a. To show two points of view

b. To entertain the readers

c. To persuade the readers

d. To inform the readers 

e. To explain something