, correct the following sentences

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, correct the following sentences

, correct the following sentences

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

B. The correct sentences are:

  1. We can go to either Greece or Spain for our holiday.
  2. It’s my final offer – you can either take it or leave it.
  3. Both rugby and football are popular in France.
  4. Both English and Welsh are spoken in Wales.
  5. Not only is he a professional footballer, but also he is a successful businessman.
  6. Neither Norway nor Switzerland is in the European.
  7. Marriage is neither heaven nor hell, it is simply purgatory. (Abraham Lincoln).
  8. Tonight, I’ll either finish reading my novel or go swimming.
  9. He’s not only funny but also intelligent.
  10. When writing, consider not only your topic but also your audience.


Untuk mengoreksi kalimat-kalimat yang tersedia, kita harus menggunakan paired conjunction.

Paired conjunction sering digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris tertulis dan Bahasa Inggris percakapan. Paired conjunction digunakan untuk membuat pernyataan, memberikan penjelasan, dan mendiskusikan alternatif. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh paired conjunction yang umum digunakan:

  • both … and -> digunakan untuk dua subjek dan menandakan bentuk jamak.
  • neither … nor -> digunakan untuk dua subjek, subjek kedua menentukan apakah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk jamak atau tunggal.
  • either … or -> berfungsi sama dengan ‘neither … nor’
  • not only … but also

Contoh penggunaan:

  • Not only does she like music, but she also plays many kinds of musical instruments.
  • Both me and my mother like spicy food.
  • Neither Sinta nor her brother enjoy playing badminton.

Detil Jawaban

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Paired Conjunction