Create sentences to differentiate the use of too and verytolong dijawab yaa​

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Create sentences to differentiate the use of too and verytolong dijawab yaa​

Create sentences to differentiate the use of too and verytolong dijawab yaa​



1. She is very good at ballet. Her years of practice has paid off.

2. The students were very enthusiastic during the field trip.

3. That car is very expensive. It costs as much as a house.

4. The shopping center was very crowded last night as there was a big sale.

5. My son is very lazy. I don't know what to do about it. Nothing seems to be exciting enough for him.


1. You're too late. The show has just finished.

2. I think we are too early. The gate is still closed.

3. The bus was too crowded. I could barely breathe.

4. The baby is too adorable. I can't resist not pinching her chubby cheeks.

5. You are too tall to get in this small car.




Very + Adj. / Adv. / Verb -ing

1. Very berfungsi menekankan kekuatan pada adjective, adverb, atau verb –ing yang mengikutinya.

2. Very merupakan kata yang netral, dapat bermakna positif maupun negatif. Very membuat kata yang mengikutinya menjadi semakin kuat.

3. Very tidak dapat digunakan dengan extreme adjective atau kata sifat yang ekstrem.

Misalnya pada dua kata yang sama-sama memiliki makna ‘suhu yang tinggi’, yaitu hot dan boiling:

  • The water is very hot. (Airnya sangat panas.)
  • The water is very boiling. (Airnya sangat mendidih.)

Pada kata hot yang berarti panas dapat disematkan very sebelumnya menjadi very hot. Namun pada kata boiling yang berarti mendidih (kata sifat ekstrem) sebaiknya tidak diikuti dengan very menjadi very boiling karena frasa tersebut termasuk ke dalam words redundancy atau penghamburan kata.



Too + Adj. / Adv.

1. Too bermakna negatif.

2. Too berarti ‘lebih atau kurang dari yang diinginkan’.

3. Too dapat digunakan dengan infinitive with to setelah adjective atau adverb. Selain itu, formula too + adj. / adv. + for (seseorang / sesuatu) untuk menjelaskan siapa atau apa yang kita maksud.


  • My coffee is too hot to drink (Kopiku terlalu panas untuk diminum.)
  • This book is too complicated for me to understand. (Buku  ini terlalu rumit untuk bisa aku mengerti.)

Semoga Membantu^^