Cyberbullying refers to bullying that takes place through interactive technology, particularly through the internet. It includes insults, embarrassment, and harassment. I think cyberbullying is dangerous because of some reasons. Firstly, cyberbullying is anonymous People can be cyberbullied by a stranger or a close acquaintance without ever being able to tell who the culpritis. Bullies may feel empowered to say and do more destructive things than they would face-to-face when they are interacting with their victims Secondly, cyberbullying is permanent. It can be really impossible to rid the internet of offensive material that a cyberbully makes public; once a photo, rumor, or video has made it into a cyberspace, it may be there forever. Thirdly, cyberbullying is public. It can escalate what might once have been schoolyard an email to friends who forward it further or to re-post or re-tweet a bullying for the bullying to go viral” and reach a large audience. Lastly, cyberbullying is omnipresent. It follows you home. A student being bullied at school may find refuge in other spaces, but a victim of cyberbullying is connected to his or her tormentors whenever he or she is connected to a cell phone or computer–which for many teens is all the time. Based on those reasons above, it is obvious that cyberbullying is dangerous. disputes into smear campaigns accessible to the whole world. All it takes is for a “friend” to forward Taken

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1. What is the topic of the text?
2. Mention the writer's opinion stated in the text!
3. What tense is mostly used in the text?
4. Mention the conjunctions found in the text!
5. Mention the time connectives used in the text!​​

Cyberbullying refers to bullying that takes place through interactive technology, particularly through the internet. It includes insults, embarrassment, and harassment. I think cyberbullying is dangerous because of some reasons. Firstly, cyberbullying is anonymous People can be cyberbullied by a stranger or a close acquaintance without ever being able to tell who the culpritis. Bullies may feel empowered to say and do more destructive things than they would face-to-face when they are interacting with their victims Secondly, cyberbullying is permanent. It can be really impossible to rid the internet of offensive material that a cyberbully makes public; once a photo, rumor, or video has made it into a cyberspace, it may be there forever. Thirdly, cyberbullying is public. It can escalate what might once have been schoolyard an email to friends who forward it further or to re-post or re-tweet a bullying for the bullying to go viral” and reach a large audience. Lastly, cyberbullying is omnipresent. It follows you home. A student being bullied at school may find refuge in other spaces, but a victim of cyberbullying is connected to his or her tormentors whenever he or she is connected to a cell phone or computer–which for many teens is all the time. Based on those reasons above, it is obvious that cyberbullying is dangerous. disputes into smear campaigns accessible to the whole world. All it takes is for a “friend” to forward Taken

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

The answer from the story are

  1. The topic of the text is about cyberbullying.
  2. The writer's opinion stated in the text is cyberbullying is dangerous.
  3. The tense mostly used in the text is present tense.
  4. The conjunctions found in the text are coordinating conjuction, such as for, and, but, or
  5. The time connectives used in the text is once.


Teks tersebut merupakan contoh dari analytical exposition text. Analytical exposition text adalah teks yang berisi opini atau argumen seorang penulis mengenai suatu isu atau permasalahan tanpa memaksa pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu terkait isu tersebut. Teks ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan pentingnya isu atau permasalahan tersebut untuk didiskusikan lebih lanjut. Dalam teks yang diberikan, isu yang disampaikan adalah mengenai bahaya cyberbullying.

Struktur analytical exposition text terdiri atas:

  • Thesis : Berisi topik utama dari isi teks yang ditulis. Biasanya terletak di paragraf pertama.
  • Arguments : Berisi pendapat atau opini yang disampaikan oleh penulis, dan dikuatkan oleh fakta yang ada di lapangan.
  • Reiteration : Berisi penegasan kembali argumen-argumen yang telah disampaikan.

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