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Choose the best answer by crossing A, B, C or D!

Hi! I am Ted, the zookeeper. I always get up at half past six in the morning. I have breakfast at seven and go to work half an hour after. I work at Manyaran Zoo. I look after the animals, especially Salamba the elephant and Mandoo the camel. I feed them twice a day. They eat a lot of hay.

At midday sharp, I have lunch. I usually have a bottle of water and a sandwich. Then, I am back to Salamba and Mandoo. I have to take them outside the cage once a day. I ride on them around the z0o. We pass the cage of lions and tigers. We say hello to bears and pandas. We wave at gorillas and monkeys, too. After playing for a while, I wash them. Salamba likes to play with water but Mandoo does not.

At five in the afternoon, I say goodbye to Salamba and Mandoo. I go home, dean myself and have dinner at seven. At nine, I go to sleep. Ifeel happy to dream about the zoo every night.

1. What is Salamba?
A. A z00
C. A zookeeper
B. A camel D. An elephant

2. How many times does Ted feed Salamba
and Mandoo in a day?
A. One time
B. Two times
C. Three times
D. Four times

3. What does Ted usually do at twelve
A. He eats sandwich.
B. He takes the cages out.
C. He goes to Manyaran Zoo.
D. He plays with Salamba and Mandoo.

4. From the text we know that …
A. Mandoo likes to play with water.
B. Salamba eats hay three times a day.
C. Ted goes to work at half past seven.
D. Bears and pandas like to say hello.

5. "I have to take them outside the cage
once a day."
The underlined word refers to ..
A. Salamba and Mandoo
B. Lions and tigers
C. Bears and pandas
D. Gorillas and monkeys

My name is Mnuwom. I am from Tembagapura, West Papua. Let me tell you about my activities everyday.I always go to school very early in the morning, but I hardly ever go home early. It is because my school is about seven kilometres from my house. I do not have any pocket money to go to school by bus.So, I always go to school and come back home on foot. After school, most of my friends do extracurricular activities or play games together, but I cannot join them because I have to help my parents. I have to get water from a well and babysit my little brother. Sometimes, I do my homework in the evening, but at other times, I am too tired to do it.

6. The text mainly discusses about …

A. Mnuwom's extracurricular activities
B. Mnuwom;s after schools schedule,
C. Mnuwom's morning activities.
D. Mnuwom's daily routines,

7. What does Mnuwom do after school?
A. He does extracurricular activities.
B. He plays games with friends
C. He does his homework.
D. He helps his parents.

8. Why does Mnuwom always come home late?
A. Because he plays with friends.
B. Because he babysits his brother
C. Because he returns home on foot.
D. Because he gets water from a well

9. The incorrect statement based on the text is ..
A. Mnuwom's school is far from his house.
B. Mnuwom often helps his friend after school.
C. Mnuwom sometimes studies in the evening.
D. Mnuwomhas no money to ride on bus.

10. According to the text, Mnuwom's school
is … from his house,
A. far
B. near
C. close
D. narrow

Elephant is a huge land animal. It
can grow up to two and half metres tall and weigh up to six tons. Elephant is very strong, but it is only mammal that cannot jump. Elephant has a long trunk and two white tusks. Elephant breathes through its trunk. Its trunk is strong enough to pick up trees but sensitive enough to pick up a flower. Elephant uses its trunk to get water and food. Elephant uses its tusks to fight in order to protect itself from predator.Elephant has a very big and thin ears, too. Elephant uses them to cool itself down.

Elephant is a herbivore. It doesnot eat meat. Elephant lives in a very large area because it eats and drinks a lot. It spends half of the day eating up to 200 kilograms of plants and drinking over 250 litres of water.

Do as the instruction given!

11. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text?
A. To show how elephant picks up a flower.
B. To inform what elephant eats,
C. To describe what elephant is.
D. To tell when elephant uses its trunk

12. What does elephant use its trunk for?
A. To protect itself from predator.
B. To get food and water.
C. To cool itself down.
D. To fight enemies.

13. Why elephant needs to live in very broad zone?
A. Because it consumes a lot of food.
B. Because it is a huge land animal.
C. Because it doesnot eat meat.
D. Because it cannot jump.

14. From the text we know that …
A. Elephant has a long tusk and two trunks.
B. Elephant eats up to 400 pounds of food.
C. Elephant grows up to six metres tall,
D. Elephant uses it tusk for breathing,

15. "Elephant is a huge land animal."
The underlined word is closest in
meaning to…
A tiny
B. little
C. small
D. giant

Tolong dung​



1. D.  

2. B.  

3. A.  

4. C.

5. A

6. D

7. D

8. C

9. B

10. A

11. C

12. B

13. A

14. No answer(sorry…:()

15. D


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